I am going to start with a *trigger* warning for this one. I think it is full of love, but it is quite sad.

Here at the dog lodge, we have an array of animals who are part of our family. From furry, to feathered, to aquatic, to reptile! And no matter how big or small, each one is loved very much.
Last October we got two chinchillas, sisters, called Pumba and Timon. We already had Simba the chinchilla who we have had a few years. These two were 5 months old. They settled in quickly and soon became very relaxed and friendly around us. More importantly, they immediately became part of our family.

But at the beginning of January, Pumba started losing weight, and she wasn’t as excitable as normal. Timon was okay though and they were still both eating and snuggling and playing. We got her to the vets and the vet said all her vitals were ok, but they could tell she had lost weight so gave us some special food to try and build her back up. Before I left she had a trip round all the staff in the vets who couldn’t wait to meet this pretty little girl. Pumba really enjoyed it and very happily let everyone make a big fuss.
Over the next few days, we made sure she had her special food. Pumba soon got used to the syringe she ate it from and each time she was very eager to get it. But despite all of this, Pumba continued to lose weight. The vets couldn’t find anything (without doing very intrusive investigations) wrong. And sadly, we woke one morning to find that she could barely move. We knew that we were about to lose her.
I gently took hold of her and cradled her against my chest. I talked to her quietly telling her how much we loved her, even though we had only had her a very short time, and that it was ok for her to let go. I told her that we would never forget her and that we would always carry her in our hearts because she was part of our family. I made sure she knew that we would make sure Timon was ok and would have a very happy life.
I still shed tears for that little furry girl, I still love her and I always will. And as promised, Timon is very well looked after, spoilt in fact! Though she’s got enough attitude for herself and her sister! You can see her here showing her feisty best side.

And this is Simba who is 4 and is spoilt rotten by Ceinwyn. Simba and Timon have separate habitats though they do see each other sometimes.

It didn’t matter that we only had her for 4 months, or that she was a chinchilla, I grieved (and continue to do sometimes) for her just like I would any other animal that lives here. She was and always will be a valued member of our family.

My pet bereavement service is not just here for those who lose a dog or a cat, I am here to listen and help what ever your beloved pet is. I know first hand just how each animal, big or small, feathered or furry, aquatic or reptile, has an impact on our lives.
Please click on the link below for more information.